Going from 0–100, real quick

Jamon Dixon
6 min readMay 1, 2021

The journey of becoming a full-stack software engineer with no prior experience — Part 1 of 2

When I first entertained the idea of being a software engineer, I thought it was too far-fetched, or that I could never keep up in the face-paced world of web development. I told myself the usual trope of excuses, like “I’m not that intelligent”, “I don’t know where to start”, or “I have no coding experience”. While that may or may not be true, I am living proof that any of those things we tell ourselves when we might be afraid to dive into something new can be overcome with hard work, commitment, and a supportive team around you.

My previous career, working as a lead grower for one of the biggest cannabis retailers in Colorado had left me feeling under-appreciated and quite frankly a little bored. Constantly feeling like I was not living up to my potential, I began to think of what else would be a fitting career for my future. I became more aware of how I was feeling after I contracted COVID-19 and had two weeks quarantine to sit with those emotions. Having many friends in the software and development sector who thoroughly enjoyed their career and trying to push me in the same direction, I decided to dip my toes in the water with some free coding websites like Codecademy and Freecodecamp. These sites can give you a crash course in almost all of the popular coding languages.

Codecademy catalog

Prior to this decision I had very minimal experience in tech besides what I was exposed to in my college career which was primarily geared toward horticulture. Luckily, in the age of the internet, there are so many tools at our disposal to help get an idea of what you are getting into before actually doing it. I recommend checking out Youtube for the assortment of videos illustrating what you can expect throughout you journey.


Some could go the more traditional route of a 4-year degree in computer science from a college or university but at the rate these institutions charge, it may no longer be a viable option for a lot of people. Nor do most people have the time. Especially if you are someone who is changing careers and has already spent four years on a different degree. However, there is another way!

A less conventional route of acquiring an education in software engineering has become more popular in recent years. So-called “Bootcamps”, are rigorous, high-paced approaches to teaching students real world applicable knowledge in the field of their choice. Other than software engineering, there are data science, digital marketing, cybersecurity and user experience design routes, just to name a few. These courses can be part-time or full-time depending on the amount of time you have to devote.

Bare minimum requirement for them is a high school diploma, but most like to see some sort of higher educational degree like an associate’s or bachelor’s. You would be surprised at the amount of people that also switch careers after having a masters or doctorate!

Then, the usual step for entry to these programs is to take a technical exam where the school can measure your aptitude for understanding the concepts that would be explored during the course. It is just a basic level of understanding and shouldn’t be anything to worry about. It just shows that you are capable and is a measure of precaution to make sure no one’s time is wasted on either side of the coin.

Finally, upon acceptance, you will be given a heavy load of pre-course work designed to try to get everyone about on the same page. Having students who sign up to the course from all types of backgrounds and all walks of life, it’s important to get everyone to a base level of knowledge. From there, everyone can move forward together. I finished my pre-course work in a little over a month, but I recommend giving yourself double that amount time to make sure you are not rushing through it.

Flatiron School of Denver

For my journey into development, I chose to go to Flatiron School of Denver. It was mostly based on prior recommendations and the reputation it has as being able to get graduating students hired without much delay. It also boasts an average starting salary of $75,000 for entry level programmers for its graduates. That was music to my ears!

The full-time course is 15 weeks long broken up into 5 modules. Each module has one week focused on just learning the material. The second week is focused on passing a code challenge over said material. Finally, the third week is to show off the newly acquired knowledge in the form of a project. One module will be learning Ruby. Another will be focused on backend development with Ruby on Rails. React will be a focus of one and of course let’s not forget Javascript for another. There are plenty of other topics and languages that will be thrown into the mix as well but those are the meat and potatoes. Last but certainly not least, the final module is focused on a final project where you are expected to learn and incorporate a technology of your choice, self-taught by the way, and hopefully show off all your skills picked up throughout the duration of the course.


One, if not the most, beneficial parts of enrolling into a school like Flatiron is the sense of community involved with it. I was really unsure of myself and quite insecure. The self-proclaimed “Love Bubble” helped me get over those feelings of inadequacy by being non-judgmental and inclusive on a daily basis. The instructors have been really thoughtful and engaging. My fellow classmates were always just a slack message away if I ever needed any help. That feeling of never being alone throughout this journey is what helped keep me going when I felt helpless. Flatiron also has other staff to check in with how you are feeling to try and help make the experience the best it can be.

There are plenty of meet-ups and networking events to be be a part of as well if you are looking for that sense of community. Denver has an amazing scene for development and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to pursue a career in technology!


Another benefit of going with a bootcamp like Flatiron is the career services afforded to everyone toward the end of the course and after completion. You will be paired with a career coach that provides networking abilities and holds you accountable to continuing your education even after you are done. After all, a career in software engineering is a career in lifelong learning.

Now it’s off to the races of trying to find a job in this highly competitive market. I am fully confident in my full-stack capabilities! If you like this article, feel free to reach out or check out my LinkedIn and Github! Check back for a part 2 where I take a deeper dive into each of my projects.

